Senior Stylist, Colour Specialist


There is so much hidden beauty in the people of Singapore. I want to help customers express the depth and vibrance of their personality with the right hairstyle and colours!

Senior Stylist, Colour Specialist

When we booked ourselves for a hair colour by Ken-U, we must admit that we didn't know what to expect.

Certainly not a super-cute Japanese stylist who made our hearts flutter with a disarmingly shy smile!

Fortunately for us, that's Ken-U, a new addition to Rubik who looks a lot cuter in person than in photos. He isn't just good-looking though, Ken-U is one of the few Japanese stylists in Singapore that is well-versed in hair colours that require bleaching. After all, he came from the very popular Japanese hair salon in Fukuoka, Embellir, well known for their unique colour creations!

What we like about his colour is that they are actually not too crazy or vibrant but has a translucent quality about it that hints at his Japanese training. His ash colours are easy to wear to work yet uniquely mixed so you get a classy hair colour that your colleagues and friends will talk about!

Aside from hair colours, Ken-U is pretty strong with details and has customers giving positive feedback about straightening and medium length haircut that are pretty well done. 

The only thing to take note is that his command of English still has some room for improvement so he may need some help from other stylists for translation for now. Hence, do bring along a photo if you have something in mind for best results!
