atSalon Solo @ Wisma Atria


Every customers' hairstyle is a work of art.  I make sure I put in my 100% in every one of my customer's hairstyles and let these works of art do the talking!

DirectoratSalon Solo @ Wisma Atria

Salon Solo @ Wisma Atria

Wisma Atria

A perm specialist who is able to grasp the nuances of hair texture and timing perfectly, Patrick is able to give customers the type of curl that is JUST RIGHT - not too curly, not too straight... and make it last for months. We often hear customers of his exclaiming, "OMG, I NEVER knew my hair could look like this!" From long straight hair to a slight C curl, S curl or even full-on perm, Patrick has received much positive responses from customers who love how natural and bouncy his curls are. 

Design aside, he makes sure the perm he designs is easily maintainable and suitable for your lifestyle. This may mean that he may reject your request for a perm if your hair texture is not suitable or if you don't have the time to maintain it!

Don't overlook Patrick just because he is soft-spoken and understated. You may be surprised to note that some of Salon Solo's biggest makeovers are done by Patrick! 

A gem who delights with his beautiful C and S curl perms!

Still, he will be able to give you haircut you'll love that helps you prepare for the next perm. 
