

When my customers’ family and friends praise their hair, I know I have done a good job as our loved ones are the ones who want the best for us.


Greeting us with his soft and gentle voice, his hand palming a leather-bound notepad filled with handwritten notes of common phrases and answers to questions customers might have for him, Tetsuya is clearly a stylist who’s a exudes a quiet charm. Since recognizing the transformation a good haircut can be at the age of 13, he has since graduated from Yamano Beauty College and worked as a stylist in Japan for 8 years before making his move to Singapore!

For those who are rather reserved or prefer quiet sessions in the salon, you’ll be pleased to know that Tetsuya prefers focusing on his work at hand instead of chit-chatting as he worries that he might get distracted and not offer his customers his best service. With his quiet and reserved demeanour, none of us could have guessed he’s actually a big basketball fanatic! He even has his own basketball in the salon, and would invite fellow stylists (and even complete strangers in the court!) to join him for a game or two when the day is over!

Rebonding is most definitely his forte. No matter how unruly your hair may seem, he’s able to straighten and mellow them down. What we found particularly impressive was how our hair didn’t look flat and dead after rebonding. Tetsuya made sure to maintain volume and a nice bounciness to our hair after they are rebounded! His careful treatment means that there is minimum damage to your rebounded hair. Say no more to fragile hair! When all is done, Tetsuya even walked us to the door and bid us farewell. These little gestures really captured our heart, making us look forward to our next session with him!

Overall, a hardworking stylist to consult for your rebonding needs!

P.S. He has only been in Singapore for 5 months, so is not too fluent in English just yet. Do keep to simple and short sentences so it’s not too confusing for him!