atOrganics Beauty @ Delfi Orchard

Shizuka (Jasmin)

"The inside reflects the outside. My job is therefore to help customers draw out the toxins and what is negative within to help ladies combat their external skin conditions!"

Shizuka (Jasmin)
TherapistatOrganics Beauty @ Delfi Orchard

Organics Beauty @ Delfi Orchard

Delfi Orchard

If you need any proof that organic products can be effective in maintaining your youth, you just need to look to Shizuka. Free from wrinkles, lines and the usual battle scars of aging, Shizuka has aged gracefully although she has passed the crucial 40... and she achieved it all without surgery, harsh chemicals or machines!

Shizuka credits it all to the dreadful sunburn she got while she was 27; despite going to dermatologist after dermatologist and trying various medications such as steroids, her face remained really red and puffy for 2 years once she exposed her face to the sun. After running out of options, she turned to alternative therapies such as TCM (yes, its available even in Japan!) and recovered fully! Since then, she developed a strong interest in holistic therapy methods, taking courses in a top-notch holistic therapy school in Shinjuku that exposed her to aromatherapy, phytotherapy, herbatology, TCM and even travelled all the way to Hawaii to learn a special lomi lomi massage technique from native hawaiians. She went on to take an international Belgian aesthetic degree to incorporate what she has learned in aesthetic procedures.

The result? A one-of-a-kind facial transforms customers from within to achieve effective results, using natural methods and organic ingredients. Every single detail in the facial is well taken care of, starting from a refreshing homemade enzyme drink to the enactment of the female-only salon policy to ensure that the whole experience is an uplifting one for the customer. Because only organic ingredients are used, many Singapore customers are surprised to find that the facial was more effective than they expect even though machines or chemicals are not used!

A truly rejuvenating experience by a passionate and skilled therapist that we would readily recommend!

PS. Shizuka has an excellent command of the English language so you don't have to worry about miscommunication! For those who find Shizuka hard to pronounce, she also goes by the name of Jasmin!
