atKimistry Hair Boutique
Vincent Soh
StylistatKimistry Hair Boutique
Google “Vincent Soh Hairstylist” and you’ll find tons of positive reviews and even a feature on 星期二特写 (Tuesday Report) on how he turned his life around with hairdressing. Maybe it’s his skill in dry haircut (learned in Kim Robinson), his tremendous life experiences or perhaps it’s his magnetic charismatic personality, Vincent is one of those hairstylists that customers tend to stick with for life. With a strong emphasis on consultation (which takes more than 15-20 minutes for first time customers), Vincent takes the extra effort to understand the customers’ habits and preferences to design a hairstyle change that delights even the most challenging of customers.
Having won numerous hair competitions, he is particularly good with makeover hair services with haircuts and colouring his specialties.
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